Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Amazing Photographs from Space

Photo from Col. Wheelock, Isle Juan de Nova in the Mozambique Channel
between Madagascar and the African mainland. The beautiful colors rival the
 amazing places in the Caribbea (11-15-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
This is not my photo--I am sharing an amazing link I was sent that will just take your breath away!  Below is a post from that make you go WOW!  My aunt, a fellow momarazzi, sent these to me and I was immediately amazed.  Colonel Douglas Wheelock has taken amazing photos and I am completely in awe of his talent.  I am literally copying the post from below--but visit their site and check out Colonel Wheelock's photos!  This is one guy who knows how to Capture Every Moment!!

On September 22, 2010, with the departure of the Expedition 23 crew, Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock assumed command of the International Space Station and the Expedition 25 crew. He is also known as @Astro_Wheels on twitter, where he has been tweeting pictures to his followers since he arrived at the space station. We thought that we should put some of them together as a tribute to him and the whole ISS crew. The images bring breathtaking views from our only off planet Vista point. The following pictures are all visible on Astro_Wheels' twitpic account and for these we are eternally grateful to him for sharing these with the world. The captions are all his own words. [29 Pictures]