Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thanks Dad!

You may get chilly fingers snapping photos in this Midwestern March/April weather, but the stories you can tell are endless! At my son's high school game yesterday, a perfect opportunity came up to do just this!  At 40 degrees and falling, the players were beyond cold at this game.  Sitting in the shade, with winds at 8-10 mph, the players who were not in the field (and the sun's reach) did whatever they could to warm up. And then came "Dad"...with a plastic bag filled with hand warmers!  Not only did his son appreciate the effort, but many players gathered round to have him share the wealth!  This one photo tells the story...and that is the goal of the Momarazzi's photography, to tell a story!

Other players look on, hoping to share the wealth this dad provided!
Years from now when we are looking back on the memories of the freshman baseball experience, the chilly weather may not be foremost in our minds, but this photo will remind us of the story that day! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

I know...I am a Midwest gal and it is still in the 30's here...but it is just about April and my flowers don't seem to care what the temperature is outside!  As we brace ourselves to possibly see one more snowfall before April, I am reminded that our outdoor sports are about to kick into high gear...and so should our cameras!

Take advantage of these cold weather opportunities to capture your favorite athlete in action!  While we never see the uniform in some instances (coats covering those cute baseball/softball/soccer uniforms!) these are the moments that tell the story!  In the beginning of June, we'll fondly* look back on those days when the sport began and the temperatures seemed too cold to allow for outdoor games!  Capture those moments and look for the candid shots of your athlete--when they don't know you are looking.  That's where your story is told. 

As we begin to venture outdoors again, we'll have regular tips to help capture your special moments! 
See you at the rink & fields!!