Sunday, October 3, 2010

Momarazzi vs. Professional

Technically, if you are a Momarazzi, you may not necessarily be a professional.  Your goal may be to make the most of the camera you have, to capture and preserve the memories of your young athlete, dancer, actor, etc.  As such, you may not have the technical knowledge a professional has...and yet, you want to own the right equipment to make your photos really stand out!

This momarazzi is always on the lookout for great resources--and recently I've found a fabulous website/blog that provides constant useful information for the non-technical photographer.  The topics vary from photographing food, patterns, action, and equipment--and there is always something interesting to learn!  For that reason, I am recommending PictureCorrect.  From his website/blog, Editor and Founder Richard Schneider states:
Hi, my name is Richard Schneider and I manage the day to day operations of this site. I became a photography enthusiast when I received my first digital camera and for many years I was constantly taking photos. I originally launched PictureCorrect back in 2003 as a photo editing service. With only a few customers, I decided to change the structure of the site into a blog full of tips and tutorials for photographers. Needless to say, it has come a long way since then…

The site's most recent post is "How To Choose a Digital SLR Lens", and author Ricky Davies has done a great job of really breaking down the SLR lens decision making process. I couldn't have provided better information than please visit the post to learn more!!

You can subscribe to PictureCorrect, as well as follow it on Twitter!  Check them out--you will not be disappointed!!

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