Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Capturing Your Moments for FREE!!!

The Momarazzi Treatment's Fall Deal...everyone is entitled to amazing photos that capture their child in action! Through October 31st, the Momarazzi Treatment will waive all event fees and photograph your team's games/events AT NO CHARGE TO THE ORGANIZATION!

I's crazy...but every child deserves to have his or her amazing moments captured, and not every parent has the time or ability to be a momrazzi at every event!  That's where The Momarazzi Treatment comes into play!  We will photograph your event at NO CHARGE...the only way The Momarazzi Treatment benefits from this is if the photos are fantastic enough that your parents & families want make a purchase!

Working with fantastic third-party production companies, The Momarazzi Treatment is able to offer parents and families amazing products--from prints to specialty products like magnets, t-shirts, mouse pads, & more!  AND...the Momarazzi Treatment has worked hard to provide you wonderful products and momarazzi prices! Our prices are extremely competitive...just check us out and see for yourself!!

For more information or to schedule your memory-making event, contact The Momarazzi Treatment today!

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