Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spread the News~Share the Excitement!

Every momarazzi can capture incredible moments, both on and off the field. But the truly successful momarazzi spread the news and share the excitement with others.  This is much easier than you think...

Most communities have newspapers that focus on community news and events.  These same papers often have online versions of the print edition--here is where a true momarazzi lives!

First, you will need to register with your local paper.  Visit the paper's website to locate how to begin "posting/sharing" photos and stories.  This usually requires you to enter your email address or create a user name and password.  AND...this is usually a free service. 

Many community newspaper editors just don't have the budget dollars to have reporters and photographers at every event going on in town--so they appreciate when "community reporters/photographers" submit their stories and photos.  There is always an obligation and opportunity for the editor to do any necessary "editing" of something you post--so don't be offended if your original story doesn't appear in its entirety!  I've got a journalism background, been published, and have often had my submitted stories edited for clarity or simply space available for print!  Photographs also may need to be in a specific format~either re-sized for upload or of a high resolution for printing.  Specific instructions are always available on paper websites.

The best part of sharing your excitement online...even if the news/photos don't make it to the print edition, it is so easy to share the link of the story/photos with family and friends online!  Point your team families to the website address of the online story/photos and they'll be just as excited as if it were in print!  Plus, this provides families and friends from across the miles to see what is going on with your little athlete!!

  • Tips for photos...clarity. Your photo should capture an exciting moment (whether on or off the field), but the photo must also be clear to view. Fuzzy or slightly out of focus photos will now show well online or in print--don't use these, even if it is the only great shot of that touchdown!  
  • Tips for stories...score of the game & players' names are key. First...ensure your coach is aware you are going to post a story--get his or her permission and comments from the game whenever possible. Second...ensure that your team parents are in agreement on using names in a story. Most will be thrilled with the fact that you are sharing the good news! But privacy is a big issue--particularly on the web.
Parents should have the final say on whether they want their child's name or photo used online or in print.  A quick email to all team families is an easy way to let them know what you hope to do, and whether anyone has any objections. 

Now...spread the news! Share the excitement! Get out there and find your local papers to submit your game/event photos and stories!! You just may see your efforts pay off in print...and begin the process of creating your own momarazzi portfolio!!

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