Friday, November 19, 2010

Choosing the right Holiday Card Photos

The greatest dilemma many parents face...which photo(s) should go on our holiday cards this year?!

Here are a few things to consider when selecting photos for your holiday greetings. 
  • Select only quality photos--ensure that the resolution is the minimum required for the processing service you are working with.  Poor resolution, dimly lit lighting, and blurred photos will not look any better on a greeting card.
  • Consider doing a collage-style card. Many processing companies offer collage-styles which allow their users to upload more than one photo on a card.  Including one photo of each family member, along with a full family shot helps share how everyone in your family is growing!
  • Consider what was important to your family this past year--and share those moments on a card.  Help your friends and family see the many activities your children have been involved in--a special vacation your family took--a unique place you visited together.  All of these offer friends and family members a chance to see what you've been up to throughout the year!
  • Consider Holiday Postcards! An easy and inexpensive option when it comes to postage.
  • Posed Photos...whether you pose your children yourself, or have a professional photograph taken, posed photos can tell a wonderful story, and catch our family in a beautiful moment.  Some easy to do yourself posed ideas:
    • dress children in pj's and have them pose in front of the tree, holding presents
    • dress children in scarves, hats and mittens, posed in front of the tree
    • if your tree isn't up yet, but you are trying to get the photos done for the cards, try visiting your local mall or department stores where holiday decorations are already up! Have your children pose next to some holiday decorations--even visiting a furniture section/store that may have a fireplace decorated!  
    • In line with heading out where the decorations are...consider visiting a tree farm to take your photos.  Even if you don't chop down that tree, posing as if you might can create amazing moments!
    • make sure your pets are in on the action! Gather the children around the dog, cat, fish, etc...and feel free to try and decorate your favorite pet with a hat, scarf or garland!
And remember...while posed, professional photography photo cards are always beautiful, personally created photographs that you did yourself can sometimes provide more stories, capturing more personal moments, in your choice of settings.  

See you at the rinks and fields!

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