Monday, December 20, 2010

Capturing Those Holiday Moments...

It seems that the holidays provide a time for endless posed photos of families gathering together--we did exactly this over Thanksgiving! And while I do enjoy seeing the progression of how the children have grown each year (not to mention the DISLIKE for how some of us adults also age), my favorite holiday photos are those that capture a moment that is unrehearsed and not posed.

Whether you have children or not, be sure to have your camera ready when the gift opening process begins.  I love to capture the expression when my boys see their gift...even if the camera doesn't see what it is. The emotion they express usually tells the entire story of that gift! Wide open eyes, wide open mouths, smiles from ear to ear, whatever the expression is, it is priceless.  I've even captured a few.."huh?" expressions!

In addition, when photographing family members in front of a tree, consider having good lighting in your room and not using your flash. This will allow the tree lights and ornaments to show nicely and not be overly bright or reflective in your shot. 

Some unique ways to capture holiday moments beyond the present-opening experience:  walking in the door (welcoming your guests); catching someone under the mistletoe--just as they realize that is where they are; eating--particularly those turkey legs or sweets; children sitting on the stairs waiting for Santa; children fast asleep in their beds; children all dressed in their holiday pj's! The opportunities are endless and they all have the same affect...they tell a story of your family together during the holidays!

Happy Holidays to all my Momarazzi Treatment Friends & Family!! 

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